Your child will enjoy our Camp especially when they play on the golf course
Camp from June 14 to August 13 Monday to Friday 9:00am to 1:00pm
Cost per week $180
Summer camp First weeks June 7 to 11
Week June 14 to 18
Week June 21 to 25
Week July 5 to 9
Week July 12 to 16
Week July 19 to 23
Week June 26 to 30
Week August 2 to 6
Week August 9 to 13
The Training and Play in the Golf Course
Training Basic Technique
Training Basic technique Around the Green 9:00 to 11:00am
- Wart Up: 10 Minutes
- Short Game 60 minutes; Putting, Chipping and Approach.
- Long Game 30 Minutes; Irons, Woods and Driver.
- Lunch Time
Play in the Golf Course Walking in group. 11:00 to 1:00pm
- After Lunch go to the Course
- Play in the Course group of the three Golfer
- Score card report
- Parents Pick up 1:00pm